Thursday 25 June 2020


I feel clear that this technology is harmful to all creatures, including humanity. The deadly radiation comes not only directly from masts but from hundreds and thousands of small transmitters installed everywhere around to extend the coverage with short electromagnetic waves. They want to surround us by the dense crippling network. They can precisely treat people by this weapon individually and collectively. It is also possible to design and built spaces free from electromagnetic radiation where the privileged people live. However, we have a remedy for that. We can look after our vibrations, increase them and protect ourselves very well. Living inside a vibrational bubble, we will defend ourselves. Mother Earth also raises her vibration and gets a lot of enhanced cosmic energy. G5  has just started its implementation. To achieve full potential, it would require much more time and money. I feel that it will never happen because the galactic forces control the most of money currently.  Dark forces have already lost control over planet Earth. 

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