Wednesday 17 June 2020

Social distancing (1)

People who run this global confusion abused our human rights telling us we need it. It is evident and self-explanatory for those with the ability and willingness to think independently. Separating people from each other is against human nature and psychological needs. During past months it did a lot of harm in every society across the world. Fortunately, the curtain is coming down, and the truth is revealing itself every day. While countries are opening plenty of measures are placed. In light of our current knowledge based on recent experiences, there is no reason to implement those measures. I find it as an attempt to bring social engineering into life. Use your imagination and see how wee look walking and being under surveillance all the time reacting for orders what we are allowed to do. I expect that every day more and more people become aware of this harness. Luckily, we need to remember and appreciate that a plan was to keep us locked at homes longer and release only when vaccine changing human DNA is ready and full electronic tracing is in use. For some good reason, things go forward differently.  The curtain is coming down every single day.  

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