Wednesday 10 June 2020

Liberating vibrations (1)

Planet Earth changes every day for the better. Continuously we experience higher and higher vibrations. This energy comes to us from the galactic sources. All across the Universe, including Earth, is the vibrating energy. Our terrestrial solid matter is also a form of energy. Additionally, people's awareness grows up. These parallel processes are fundamental. For centuries and millenniums, dominating dark forces, reptilians creatures and other monsters in human bodies decreased and kept vibrations on Earth as low as possible. They needed such energy to nourish themselves and generate a negative background for the whole processes of creation. We need to remember that the low energy can only attract similar low energy. It is the law of attraction. It caused that humanity was energetically, mentally and physically enslaved. We thought that modern democracy brought freedom. The mastery of indoctrination made us slaves thinking of being free.   

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