Thursday 11 June 2020

Liberating vibrations (2)

Planet Earth began to move towards the absolute destruction of the environment and the human race. There was much more crime and damage than we have been informed or even been able to imagine. However, the truth becomes slowly visible for everybody.  Dark forces planned unnatural and cruel changes in human DNA  and complete deprivation of freedom and privacy by the use of technology /artificial intelligence-AI/. It could irrevocably damage the human race. It happened clear that the human race will not win left alone. The galactic allies protect and support us. They eliminated most of the dark forces from the underground. Planet Earth increases vibrations. The high vibrating energy flows to us from the Universe. This process will continue steadily. I called this revolutionary vibration because everything that doesn't match this energy will collapse. Remaining on Earth in human bodies reptilian and other dark forces slowly leave our planet. Of course, We also can't create anything that doesn't match this energy. We approach the era of heart and love with inspiring female energy yin. This vibration wakes a lot of people but not everybody. New incarnations on Earth support this process as well. Any incarnation that doesn't harmonize with the current energetic environment can't happen. Just look around and try to spot positive symptoms.  The process reached critical mass, and nobody can reverse it. All is happening now, not someday in the future...

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